C++ is a high-end computer programming language based on the concept of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) that helps the programmer to write fast and portable programs.
Programs are written that supports a model consists of data and their associated processing methods called self-contained entities are defined as ‘objects’.
C++ is object-oriented programming language follows a formal set of rules and focus on creating and managing the objects through manipulation.
Manipulation work is abstracted from the information about the consumer of the objects. C++ is an integral part of almost all application that you use, be it Windows, or be it a game, or be it a photo editing software because all these have some part of the codebase that is written in C++.
Features of C++ Language
The broad features of C++ language are:
- Encapsulation — Encapsulation enforces to create different self-contained modules that attach the processing functions to the data. The user-defined different data which are called classes and one such class is called object. The data in encapsulation is not directly accessed but it is accessed, however, through the functions that are present inside the class. In short, the attributes of the class are well defined and kept separately private and public applying getter and setter to manipulate the attributes. Thus, the encapsulation ensures the data hiding concept.
- Abstraction — Through abstraction, the irrelevant information relating to an object is hidden from the user and only the relevant information is processed to show the user. For example, suppose, you are pushing a particular button of your mobile to send a message. In that case, you just need to know that particular button to send the message but what actually happens when you push the button to send the message is abstracted away from the user. So, in short, it can be said that the abstraction focuses on the visible behaviour of the object.
- Inheritance — Classes are created following the hierarchies. Therefore, when functions are adding to complex systems, the program is easy to write following the structure and methods in which inheritance allows one class to be passed down the hierarchy. So, in C++ test, you should always keep it in mind that when you are adding a step at the bottom of the hierarchy, the process and the data which are related with that step only be added. This is the major advantage of the object technology.
- Polymorphism — The object-oriented programming that allows the procedure to be created for the object the type of which is not known exactly. Suppose, a cursor on the screen may change its shape from an arrow to a line or vice versa depends on the program mode. The routine for the movement of the cursor on the screen responding that of the movement of the mouse would be written for the cursor and polymorphism allows different shapes to be integrated easily that the cursor to take on whenever and whatever shape is demanded at the runtime.
- Other Features —
- Highly reliable software development can be made possible using C++
- It is an enhanced form of C language for programming
- It is highly suitable for any kind of a large project
- The language is highly effective, efficient, and takes little time for compilation
- The memory manipulation feature is very low
Advantages of C++ Language
The focus of the C++ programming language is based on a collection of predefined classes. So the major advantage is data types that can be used multiple times. It also facilitates in declaring user-defined classes.
The classed that can further accommodate multiple member functions to create important functionalities. Multiple objects of a unique class can be set to implement the functions within the class. The major advantages while sitting for C++ test, however, should be kept in mind are:
- Encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism are the major properties of C++ language
- Defining abstract data type is very well
- Message passing, instance, objects, methods are some of the important properties that are inherited in this language
- A new object with little difference with the existing one can easily be modified in the existing code in this language
- The inheritance property eases to write the programming without repetition and avoiding complexity
- C++ can be implemented in a real-life scenario
- Implementation process and irrelevant data are hidden from the modules
- The speed of C++ is another concern that treated as an advantage that provides excellent concurrence support also. Such requirements are necessary for web servers, application servers, and database servers etc.
Application of C++ Language
Exploring the features and advantages of C++ language let’s take a look at the areas where C++ is used.
- Operating System — Microsoft Windows, MAC OSX or Linux all these are written in C++ language. In reality, C++ is the backbone of a major operating system.
- Browsers — The search engine of the different web browsers are programmed simply in C++ only because of its speed.
- Libraries — Many high-level libraries including several Machine Learning libraries are used at the backend due to its speed as a core programming language.
- Banking Support — Due to high concurrency and low latency support C++ is used in core banking solution system. Millions of financial transactions that are processed in banking application on daily basis need multithread support which is made available from various Standard Template Libraries that comes from C++ programming kit.
- Cloud System — As the cloud storage system maintains a scalable file which works close to the hardware and compatible with a lot of machines, large organizations develop their cloud storage system using C++ because it connects the hardware with very well compatibility.
Preparation for C++ test
Before sitting for a C++ test it will be the best way to prepare online searching from the web and practice it. The practice session allows you to answer multiple choice questions (MCQ). It helps you attend more questions within the specified time band. You can also find your score there which indicates the accuracy level. After attending continuous practice sessions within a few weeks you will get confidence in you to sit for a C++ test.
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