Since the days of Plato and the first educational facilities, our understanding of the word “student” has changed. In those days enrollees spent their days walking down the corridor with their teachers and engaging in heated debates.
We don’t have to remind you that this is not the case today. Now, when we imagine students, we think of young men and women digging their heads into books and leaving the library only for lunch and exams. But is that the case today?
Surrounded by Information
Our ancestors didn’t spend all that time in libraries for fun. It was the only place on campus where you could hunt for information. Today we have all the vast knowledge of libraries in our pockets.
The modern student is spared of the sleepless nights searching for that one quote she/he needs for the vital thesis. One quick Google search for the relevant topic is more than enough. Convenience replaced coffee infused library hunts.
Having all this information at disposal has its downsides. All this information around us makes it harder to stay focused on the relevant topic. In other words, the attention span is much lower in today’s generation of students.
But this abundance of information has another downside. Everyone can give their opinion on the internet. Everyone can present themselves as an expert on a particular topic. If students don’t hone their critical thinking skills, they could misinterpret fake news as legitimate information.
Gap Year
Past generations enrolled in colleges as soon as they finished high-school. The modern US student is more patient. Out of fear to choose the wrong studies, many would opt for a gap year.
However, this time is, in most cases, not wasted. They are traveling, learning new languages, working, and trying to find out who they are before going to college.
Spending a semester or two abroad has become a rising trend. More and more students welcome the opportunity to change their surroundings for a couple of months. Programs such as Erasmus make this kind of mobility more accessible than ever before.
Student’s Little Helpers
The rise of technology has not left students behind. On the contrary, many pioneers were in their college years when they began their projects which revolutionized the world. And they didn’t forget their friends once they rose to fame.
The tech pioneers of today are well aware of the high pressures in the academic world. They want to ease the burden for the modern student. For past generations, it was impossible to imagine studying with technology. However, today programs such as GradeBuddy help students succeed in exams.
Approach to Studies
How the modern US student approaches hers/his studies differentiates from how the past generations did it. Our ancestors had to memorize every word for every exam. Today, with the help of technology, we have to know where to look for.
In most cases, to pass a course, we have to write tons of essays to show our understanding of a particular topic. To do that we must spend a lot of time researching and hunting for information.
The only thing that is constant is change. Therefore it should not strike us as a surprise that academic uprising has changed over the years. The modern US student has more available access to information, travels more, relies on technology, and is more patient to enroll in college than his/her ancestors.